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Star Trek

Gary Seven

Starship Cadet
So, do you think they buried the franchise with "Enterprise". Or will we see more of the trek universe on tv? I know they have done a retro film for theatrical release. I kinda miss looking forward to new weekly episodes. But then,I miss Johnny Carson too.
And after the new "Star Trek" was a box office smash, it is being considered ass one of the best films of 2009. Who coulda thunk it?

Oh, I don't know. This film has many attributes that account for it's success at the box office with fans both new and old. I thought that the cast was very well considered. I thought that the film had a whopper beginning/back story (that the original series sorely lacked). The special effects, both practical and digital were top-flight. The cinematography was very stylish and photo-realistic during transitional shots. Plus, it's STAR TREK! With the original characters! That, in and of itself equals ultimate cool!! If Abrams can maintain the chemistry of the original cast (especially between the Kirk/Spock/McCoy characters) then I don't see how they can go wrong. . . for the most part. I mean, yes, there has to be a story, of course.

I can't (nor will I) say that I "loved" every last little thing about the film - because I didn't. But, over all, I'd say it's the best STAR TREK that's been offered to the public in the last few. It was a solid start to a revived, continuing franchise and I think that the sequel will be the one to make or break the effort, just as "The Wrath Of Khan" was for the original cast films. And, if you recall, it was between STAR TREK III and STAR TREK IV that Paramount green-lighted The Next Generation.

Now, the question that I'd like to pose is: Do we really NEED another television series? Frankly, I felt that Enterprise was a big mistake and really unnecessary. I know that others will disagree, and that's just fine - to each their own. It just wasn't my cup of tea, is all.
You can bet that, with Hollywood, the moguls will be busy considering the prospects of a TV show in the next few years. But another movie is coming in 2012, so it's not an issue right now. If the flick is a blockbuster, they'll monetize any which way they can.
You can bet that, with Hollywood, the moguls will be busy considering the prospects of a TV show in the next few years. But another movie is coming in 2012, so it's not an issue right now. If the flick is a blockbuster, they'll monetize any which way they can.
And Paramount+ is now the place to go for Star Trek. The latest show in productionm is "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds," featuring Pike, Spock and Number One in the weekly adventures that may have occurred had the original "Star Trek" pilot made it to series. Sort of.