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New Starship troopers?

I saw the second one, but havn't seen the third one... the second one was weird... something out of command and conquar - with the prism towers...
Gene Steinberg said:
cooldude said:
I saw the second one, but havn't seen the third one... the second one was weird... something out of command and conquar - with the prism towers...

Lots of overgrown alien insects?

Same as the first one, but some luney that helps the bugs attack ppl and wipes out some outposts etc... then kills the remaining team... bla bla bla...
cooldude said:
Gene Steinberg said:
cooldude said:
I saw the second one, but havn't seen the third one... the second one was weird... something out of command and conquar - with the prism towers...

Lots of overgrown alien insects?

Same as the first one, but some luney that helps the bugs attack ppl and wipes out some outposts etc... then kills the remaining team... bla bla bla...

Sounds like a bit of a retread, right? It doesn't seem as if that flick lasted in the theaters. Was it direct to DVD?
cooldude said:
Just look who wrote it, answers your question :P

The original story came from Robert Heinlein, one of the all-time science fiction greats.

The first movie was directed by Paul Verhoeven, who became famous as director of Basic Instinct, which made Sharon Stone a star, and, of course, Total Recall, one of my favorites.
Gene Steinberg said:
lnxcode said:
Just look who wrote it, answers your question :P

The original story came from Robert Heinlein, one of the all-time science fiction greats.

The first movie was directed by Paul Verhoeven, who became famous as director of Basic Instinct, which made Sharon Stone a star, and, of course, Total Recall, one of my favorites.

Wrong. The guy that wrote it is a RETARD.
lnxcode said:
Gene Steinberg said:
lnxcode said:
Just look who wrote it, answers your question :P

The original story came from Robert Heinlein, one of the all-time science fiction greats.

The first movie was directed by Paul Verhoeven, who became famous as director of Basic Instinct, which made Sharon Stone a star, and, of course, Total Recall, one of my favorites.

Wrong. The guy that wrote it is a RETARD.

Heinlein? No way!
Hi Guys,

Returning back to topic i read on another forum that "Starship Troopers 3" is terrible to put it politely. However that is second hand info i haven't seen it nor do i suspect I will. :D