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    About Rockoids II: We're proud to announce that "Rockoids II: The Coming of the Protectors" is on sale and has gotten great reviews. Check out our Order page for the details. Both the print and Amazon Kindle versions are now available!

    2021 Update: Some of you have asked if there will ever be another Rockoids novel, and the answer is that Grayson and Gene wrote a first draft and are considering its future direction.

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Recent content by tori_bingham

  1. T

    Who is Troglodyte Rose?

    I wish I was the author! Unfortunately, it seems to be this dude: Adam Lowe - Author of Troglodyte Rose. I can't seem to find out much info, though, apart from what's on that site. Does anyone else know anything about this book or the publisher? (Or even the author?)
  2. T

    Who is Troglodyte Rose?

    We are inside Hell. How can I describe it any other way? I can feel the fires of the glass works. I can smell the sulphurous breath of our chthonic gods. I live in squalid darkness and breathe filthy air. My name is Rose and I’ve never seen the sky. Who is Troglodyte Rose?